1. What is purpose of this site?

Please visit our about us page for an overview of this site's purpose.

2. Is TheTechReviewer.com hiring?

Periodically we get openings for writers and other miscellaneous positions. If you are interested in working for us send an email to [email protected].

3.Do you accept compensation for positive reviews? How do we know what you say is the truth?

We ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT accept any compensation in return for a positive review. All of our reviews featured on this site are 100% honest and we pride our company on that. We do however receive free sample products (like every other large review site) in order to test the product and provide you with a quality review. The outcome of the review is based solely on our personal experience and insight on the product. No other outside factors will or can influence our end decision. If we recommend a product then you can be trusted that we actually would spend our hard earned money purchasing the particular product. If our review is negative we hope these companies will take our findings and use it as constructive criticism to further improve their product in the future.

4. I represent X company and have a product or service that we would like you to review. Is this possible?

Sure! We love to hear from companies that are looking for an expert insight on their product or service. Please use our inquire page to get in contact with us about setting up a review.

5. I'm a consumer who is looking for a review of a particular product or service. Do you take suggestions?

We are always open to product or service suggestions for future reviews. We cannot promise your suggestion will in fact make it on our site, but we will do our best to accommodate your input.

I don't agree with your review of X product or service. What gives?

We are sorry to hear this, but we give our 100% honest opinion each and every review. As you know everyone has different views and we cannot agree with everyone. What we do encourage you to do if you have a different experience with a product or service is to take advantage of the “user ratings” and also our commenting system in order to express your views to potential readers.

Do you guys ever hold contests or giveaways?

Yes, from time to time we run promotional contests or giveaways. In order to stay in updated with these please join our email list and subscribe to our Facebook/Twitter pages.

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